Chicagoland Environmental Network - Where GREEN things happen!
Volunteer Opportunities Jobs & Internships Teen Opportunities Events Calendar Member Organizations


Access information about each of CEN's members below. Just click on the letter that begins an organization's name.

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Kane-DuPage Soil & Water Conservation District
Mission: Promote protection, maintenance, improvement and wise use of the soil, water and related resources within the district.

Keep Chicago Beautiful
Mission: To keep our city of Chicago clean and beautiful as a team by using good solid waste management practices, greening up our environment, and educating others.

Kendall County Forest Preserve District
Mission: The mission of the Kendall County Forest Preserve District is to preserve and manage natural areas and open spaces, provide environmental education, and offer recreational opportunities for Kendall County residents.
Volunteer Opportunities

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The Chicagoland Environmental Network is administered by:
Brookfield Zoo Chicago | Connect Care Conserve